Who am I?

What am I about? Well, I suppose I will set about to answer those questions now. My name is of no consequence – but you can call me Nico, I’m a nearly <cough>40</cough> something nerd. I enjoy games, photography, drawing, programming and endlessly re-watching a handful of shows on Netflix (Yes, The Office is on the list). I prefer movie soundtracks to contemporary music and am often found with ear buds or headphones drowning out my typical brain noise. I meditate daily with no real purpose and don’t exercise nearly as often as I should.

I reckon your next question might be something along the lines of ‘What can I expect to read here?’. That’s a fair question and we will discover the answer together for the most part. Though I will say that I have a couple of goals here and I’ll go ahead and outline those now.

  • Goal 1: Promote peace and cooperation across the various hardware/software/fandom borders. I frequently see my fellow nerds engaging in warfare with others over the least meaningful things. I suppose some folks enjoy a good argument now and again and while there is certainly a place for discourse on the differences of Platform A vs Platform B; it is My firm belief that all fans of any ecosystem can live harmoniously and peacefully. To that end, comparisons between hardware will be done in a positive manner and from a neutral standpoint. I will encourage everyone I interact with to promote peace, especially in this time of political and social upset.
  • Goal 2: To share my love of games, computers, science fiction, art and music with my fellow nerds. Doing so with a nod to the cohesion between disparate ecosystems I hope to promote. (See Goal 1)

So, where do we start? Well… as I navigate this new space, I may try various things. If you are so inclined you can let me know if any of them appeal to you. First, I intend to review in as close to chronological order as possible; every game I have ever played. It’s not as long a list as you might think and really this is more a journey for myself than anyone. I’ll record some gameplay, make some Gifs, maybe some Youtube videos, maybe some streaming – we shall see. Either way I hope you’ll stick around and listen to the ramblings of this quasi hippie nerd / old fart.

You take care of yourself.
– NG

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