Retro review: Tank Wars (1990)

Weeeeeeoooooooooo, Weeeeeeoooooooooo, Weeeeeeoooooooooo, Blough, Blough, Blooouuuggghhhh, Bllllllooooooouuuugggggggghhhhhhh. The PC squeaker effects in this classic are so memorable. I sometimes imagine those squirly blibbledy broogloguglup noises during movies or games that have weak explosion noises. To myself of course… never out loud… definitely not in the middle of meetings or randomly around the office… ehhem. 👀 Anyway, this classic was one of my absolute favorite games back in the day. I would play for…

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Retro review: Commander Keen (1990 also 1991)

This epic series (Made by the guys who brought you Doom, kids) enchanted my early gaming years. Granted I only ever played the shareware episodes, it still turned out to be countless hours of fun. My earliest memories of Commander Keen were watching my Dad play “Marooned on Mars”. The first episode of the “Invasion of the Vorticons” trilogy. He played it on his computer in his office, which was shiny and new…

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Retro review: LHX Attack Chopper (1990)

Another ECA (EA) title, LHX attack chopper was an excellent flight sim for its time. The shareware edition is what I played most, which featured a couple of missions only for the LHX chopper. Sometime later I wound up with the full version of the game and was able to play the whole enchilada. This is another of the ‘Lazy Sunday’ games. The hours of quiet I had being necessary to navigate the…

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Retro review: The Catacombs (aka Catacomb II) (1989 also 1991)

Catacomb was one of the games I would play on Sunday afternoon on one of the computers at the place my Mom worked. There were several games that I played on these days of leisure. I’ll make note of which were played on these "Lazy Sundays". I will also note that this is one of the few games that I watched my brother play. I feel like he finished the game. I know…

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Retro review: Pirates! (1987)

This game stands high atop the mountain that is my list of favorites. I have played this game for countless hours on PC and NES, across the various versions, releases and iterations of the game. My first experience with the game was at my friends house (where I played Kings Quest III among other games). We would take turns steering the ship, fencing and plundering our way through the Caribbean. While we seldom…

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Retro review: King’s Quest III (1986)

I played this game with my friends on their computer, which I believe was a Tandy T1000. The PC Squeaker music intro brings back a rush of memories. You see, my friends lived down the street and their computer was located in a room that was once a carport. In the summer this room was hot, in the winter it was cold. We frequently would play in this room during the winter and…

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Retro review: Thexder (1987)

Moving on to PC for the next review. My first PC was a generic PC/XT which I believe had an 8088 processor. After this I upgraded to a PC/AT which was an 80286. Keep in mind these computers were likely 5-7 years old before I got my hands on them. I don’t recall on which of those computers, or when in the time stream I played this game - but here we are…

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Retro review: Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (1987)

Slightly out of order once again but hey, it's written so it's posted! Alright now on to that for which you're here. As I sit and watch this play through (I wouldn't call this one a long play) of the USA version of the game I am trying to recall the periods in which I played it. I remember playing it with my older Brother and also my neighbors from down the street…

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Retro review: Superman (1985)

This is quite possibly my maybe second favorite C64 game. It’s funny, I have fond memories of long hours playing this game. As I watch through this long play I quickly lose patience with the repetitive and irritating game play. I reckon either I had more patience as a preadolescent nerd or perhaps I was frustrated and have simply forgotten. Either way, I do recall completing this game and I quickly recount my…

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Retro review: Ghost Busters (1984)

I didn’t play this game very often. It belonged to my Grandfather so I was only afforded the opportunity to play it when we visited their house. Even then, it was possible he was using his computer for Ham Radio shenanigans and as such didn’t want us young’uns (Youngins? Yunngins? Junganz? Whatever) playing on the computer. So needless to say, I’ve never played it to completion. I’m actually enjoying watching this long play…

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Well, I guess we've run aground.

That tickles.