Retro review: Dr J Vs Larry Bird (1983)

Watching another Youtube long play for this review. The opening music immediately brought me back 30 years or so to sitting in my room loading up this game. Hearing the TV in the kitchen and the tinny speaker mounted oddly in the right side of the monitor I used with my C64 chirping out this now very retro sounding rendition of "Maple Leaf Rag". I can also remember smelling what I thought was…

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Retro review: Zaxxon (1982)

Watching the long play of this game I am realizing that I simply didn’t play this game all the way through. Also, I feel as though this is the first game I ever really played. I would play in the morning while waiting to go to school. As I’m watching this it dawned on me that the game I played was actually Super Zaxxon and it was released in 1984! So technically this…

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Retro review: Beach Head (1983)

In deciding my methodology for reviewing these games I have decided that I will only review the games that I played extensively and have some semblance of a story. So that’ll exclude things like solitaire, mahjong, free-cell, minesweeper and etc. Also I’m going to review them in chronological order by release date. Since I am old and my recollection is a little fuzzy, it’s hard to know when I played a game. This…

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Well, I guess we've run aground.

That tickles.